I'm really looking forward to this weekend.
Swimming, Video Games, Improv, Chinese Food, BBQ, and a Visit with Friends.
Last weekend was just as good. And next weekend is looking even better.
I love weekends.
Mike H... The H is for Hockey.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend.
Swimming, Video Games, Improv, Chinese Food, BBQ, and a Visit with Friends.
Last weekend was just as good. And next weekend is looking even better.
I love weekends.
Posted by Mike H at 10:42 PM 9 people say what now?
Granville Island
"Dear Strong Bad, Do you ever feed the ducks? Personally I think feeding the ducks is the greatest thing in the world. What are your thoughts on the subject?"
Dino Town, Bridal Falls
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Rockasaurus Rex!
Queens Park, New Westminster
Linds and I set this whole reception up for friends of ours (Jason and Amanda G!). It looks pretty amazing if I do say so myself. We had help of course, Amelia brought the trees! Go team Reception!
The Church My Cousin Got Married In
I went to 4 weddings and a funeral this summer. Too bad they don't make a movie about me. PS - We look drastic fantastic here, don't we?
Posted by Mike H at 11:18 AM 8 people say what now?