Friday, March 30, 2007

Suave and debonaire

Yes... this blog sucks. I know.

Yes... it's been a long time since I last updated. I know.

Being a secret agent takes it's toll on the information I'm allowed to divulge. Which includes the secret joke behind the title of this post.

I know it's been a while since I last blogged because even my Mom is starting to get on my case about it. I guess this is where she updates herself on what I'm doing without having to see me.

Sometimes, life just gets in the way of extra cirricular activities. I'm doing a lot right now, including having 5 jobs. That's right. I currently have 5 jobs. I'm on the way out for one of them and I'm being trained for a new one. So by the middle of April I'll be back to 4.

I'm right in the middle of a busy stretch of life. In about 45 mins I'll be on my way to Vancouver Island for a rip roarin' good time at a wedding for Lindsey's friend.
I've never met these people, but I'm going to their wedding!

Of course I'll post a bunch of pictures when I get back.

I promise.

Friday, March 09, 2007

The flip side of the inactivity vortex

Yes, I've been an absentee blogger. Oh bla dee, oh bla da! Life goes on...

- I'm currently listening to some a ccapella covers of Sufjan Stevens and Boy Least Likely To. They're rad. I didn't really know that a cappella was so fun. My first foray into this under-appreciated singing style was when my long-time friend MRW started an a cappella choir at the high school we both graduated from. Let me just say, that who knew making funny backgound noises in unison can actually sound so cool? The Sufjan song has an extended musical interlude in it. The folks singing it sans instruments are maintaining the original sound of the song and it's actually really good. For a more profane exposure to an a cappella cover, check out this Ben Folds Fan Challenge. But be forewarned, this is NOT for everyone (swearing)!

- We were given Canucks tickets. I've never been given Canucks tickets before (other than from my Mom), so of course I am eternally grateful. It was a doozy. 6 round shootout!
- The other night we were all over at my parents house watching the Canucks (featuring Bobby Lu and Cowan the Bra-barian) beat the Coyotes (featuring... well, Gretzky I guess). It was a PPV game, and after the game the channel ended up being turned to American Idol where they were showing an elimination of some guy named Sundance (?!?). For his farewell song he performed a rendition of the song Jeremy by Pearl Jam. After some opinionated comments on his abilities by my Dad, I asked him if he even knew who sang the original.
His answer? " Jericho!...Purple Jam!" So hilarious.

- Some peoples kids, honestly. There's a boy in our complex who obviously didn't get the "Stay off the Road when a car comes" talk I got growing up. During the Summer him and his pals will sit in the middle of the lane and play. We have a huge greenspace for the kids to play in, there's even a playground, but they insist on sitting on the pavement. The other day, as I returned home from work, he was walking with his basketball rolling in front of him. Somehow he decided that letting the basketball roll out into the lane was a good idea. Then he chased after it, right in front of my car. Seriously!
On the flip side, the other day whilst picking up kids from school I witnessed a little boy no bigger 'n a minute wearing this huge blue bike helmet, blue raincoat and blue gumboots. He looked like Toad from Mario Bros. But the best part was when he started one foot stomping in this mud puddle, just happy to splash. So cute.

- I went down my first Black Diamond run while skiing last Sunday. It felt pretty good. I don't think I'm ready for moguls though. There are some things I know I'm just not ready for, moguls are one of them.

Trivia Night
- It's Trivia Night tonight! I'm looking forward to it, obviously. Last year's Trivia Night was the first exposure to the Church I currently attend. It's kind of cool to look back and see how different my life is since Trivia Night '06. This year my team should kick some serious butt, because this year I've got Lindsey.