Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Times They Are A-Changing

I realize that the last post was light on details, so here's the real scoop.

During the summer I was able to go help out at a local camp. And of course we get nifty camp names that may or may not have anything to do with who you are. I've helped out once at this camp before and I gave myself the name Pez. The week leading up to this summer's camp I thought that maybe Hammer would be better, because when I was a factory worker some of the guys would call me that. Sadly, I was stuck with the name Pez. It wasn't really a bad thing though, as most people I was introduced to were interested in talking about my Pez collection. 300+ Pez dispensers and it grows every few years by a few more. That's my Pez story, nothing to do with anything really)

Anyways, when I get back from camp my sister is sitting there and tells me...
"So, I'm pregnant."
I'm all, "Cool! I get to be an Uncle!" and then I'm all, "So does this mean you're getting married sooner?"

Yes, my sister is pregnant so she and her beau will be tying the knot on October 14th, 2007. Pretty much everyone knows now so it's safe to go blabbing everywhere about it. I'm excited that there's going to be a baby in the family, but I'm also wondering how I'm going to continue living here while my sister and her hubby are trying to start a family. I've been living with her for a few years now.

Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh. Do you hear that?

It's the winds of change.


heather said...

now, call me crazy, but I for one see a logical and exciting solution.

and it involves a party and pretty dresses all around.

I wouldn't have brought it up, but you did. so there.

Michelle said...

Well, thank you Heather. See, now I don't have to say it, cause she did. That's all I'm saying. :-D

PS: Congrats on that Uncle bit.

Anonymous said...

hells yes!

Magnificent M said...

i love parties and pretty dresses and dance floors with music and ceremonies... just so you know. I can throw a mean shower too... you know, just in case the winds of change become err, rather forceful in a certain direction.

heather said...

I can't believe we all played right into your hands!! You loser!!


Phats said...

Congrats on becoming an Uncle man you're just full of announcements