Monday, January 30, 2006

Man of the People

Phats is whining about not being mentioned in my blog, and when he whines, I'm strangely compelled to listen. Which is weird, because normally I ignore whining little kids.

Right after Christmas and New Year's I got a sweet letter in the mail from Phats and Nutty. They're so awesome. Nutty made me a mix CD (which is pretty sweet) and Phats gave me a Pez Dispenser of Timon from the Lion King. AND they both wrote me a letter, but Phats writing is like chicken scratch. Seriously, I had to scrunch up my already bad eyes (I wear glasses) and concentrate really hard to read it. Gimme a break. I much preferred reading Nutty's letter, because she is a girl, and girls writing looks nicer than Phats' writing.

There you go Phats Domino.

Side Note: The other day my 15 year old cousin told me I reminded her of Seth from the O.C. I think it was a compliment, but I don't watch The O.C. But then she cut me down again and called me a nerd because I have been carrying around a small blue bouncy ball in my coat pocket. (It was part of my winnings from my Skee Ball tickets when we went to Castle Fun Park. I also got an army man and a bunch of candy.)
*Le Sigh* What do 15 year olds know anyways? Hmph.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"With your shirt tucked in and your shoes untied"

I just don't have the time to blog anymore, but I always think about different things to blog about.

I have become a runner. I even have the nice fancy shoes that I've been meaning to post a picture of before they get dirty. (PS- I don't run with my shoes untied.)

I have recently come into the possession of a small collection of grey hairs on the top of my head. I've named them Cecil and the Gang, Winston, and the Grey Ghost.

I am volunteering my time at an After School Program every Wednesday evening. I love it, the kids like me too. Last week we played ball hockey. This week we played Dr. Dodgeball. Everybody wants me on their team. Probably because I'm so tall.

I beat X-men Legends 2, and now we're playing X-men Legends 1, because Big T and I like X-men. They're cool.

I watch Hockey ALL THE TIME! Even if the Canucks aren't playing well, I still watch or listen to the whole game.

... and my friend just had a new baby, and because I have no one to keep me company, I go and steal some baby time with little Lyndon.

So you see, I'm just too busy to properly post about anything.

Finished Reading: Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom (Everybody should read this)
Favourite Song: Casimir Pulaski Day - Sufjan Stevens
Favourite Music Website:

One more thing (OK, two): Oh yeah, and I went Mini Golfing with TGP and another friend and TGP's ball fell in the water and when I retrieved it the smell was horrific. We all expected my hand to grow fur, turn colours, double in size, or gain special powers. Alas, it did not.
AND I went and saw Brokeback Mountain with TGP but I didn't connect with the movie like everyone else seemed to because I just don't understand gay love. At least, that's the reason I'm telling myself. Everyone seemed to like it so much, and I didn't really enjoy it. It was too sad. You even get to see Anne Hathaway's AND Michelle Williams' boobs, but still, I'd only see it the one time.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Remember that time I actually had time to update?

The reason I haven't updated for a while is because this new year has gotten me so busy I don't have time to update.

I've been out and about enjoying life in general. I've been working and watching hockey. I've been going to hockey games, hanging out with TGP and Pockey, going to birthday parties, congratulating/visiting my friend on his newborn baby, helping my Mom out with her daycare pickups, and just generally being too busy to do anything but respond to the 1 or 2 e-mails I get per day.

There is one bit of news though. I've decided to become a runner. I'll post about that later, but right now, I have to go out and buy some running shoes. And then go see my friend with the newborn baby, because I love babies. And then go pickup the Carpenter twins and their sister from school, and then have tea with my Mom.

See? I have so many things to do today, there's just no time to update.

Don't even start on how many letters I've let pile up. I was already NOT updating until I got some responses written, however there have now been 3 people asking me about updating, so there you go.

I'll get back to this when I have more time.

PS - Of course you can add me Nutty! I didn't even know you used Messenger!