I've got to stop and remember that I'm not invincible.
7 day a week schedules can wear on a guy. I've got a sore throat because it's happening again. Linds and I are saying yes to things when we should be saying No. I'm just worried she's going to get sick again. We both know that I'm a Virus Carrier. They try and infiltrate my hearty immune system and only 1 or 2 get through the defenses. The rest get passed on to everyone else around me through various ways viruses travel. I mean, that's how she got Mono, right?
So now I have to relax a bit and work through it. I wish I could just take days off and lie on the couch for hours at a time like my sickly little sister is doing right now. But alas, if I don't work I don't get paid, so I work unless my whole body shuts down to the point that even movement is painful.
A scratchy throat? Bah! I can still walk and talk normally. So I work.
I can still maintain the illusion of invincibility though. It's called the Suck It Up effect, and I'm able to do this when I fall ill. I just suck it up and stop whining about it, because I'm probably the one who gave everyone around me the same sickness that I have now, before I succumbed to it.
Rest assured though, I wash my hands thoroughly all the time. Especially when I get a little sick.