Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Clipper Ships

"Clipper Ships" by Mike H

"Me and my dad make models of clipper ships."

"I like clipper ships because they are fast."

"Clipper ships sail the ocean."

"Clipper ships never sail on rivers or lakes."

"Clipper ships have lots of sails and are made out of wood."

*****Does anyone know the movie I plagiarized this from?*****


Kimberly Anne said...

Yah First Post!!!

I believe the quote is from the movie 'Little Man Tate' starring Jodie Foster.

I think it's from that, I may be wrong though, I am pretty sure she didn't say the line in the movie, I think it was her son who said it??? I don't know, oh well :)


Phats said...

I thought this was a tongue twister that if you kept repeating faster and faster you would say Clipper Shits!

Little man tate, what an interesting movie that was, is Kimberly right mike h?

Carly said...

little man tate.

if you can google, so can i.

Mike H said...

Little Man Tate is indeed the right answer. (Hooray Kim!)
It's a good little movie, and for some reason this part has been stuck in my head for the past week or so. I haven't even watched Little Man Tate for at least a year.

Just a peek into the bizarro world of my brain, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Def get it from Blockbuster ASAP. I’m from the future and I’m here to tell you Blockbuster doesn’t make it!! Get your movies rented ASAP! 2022 is a strange strange place. Also 2008 sucks save some money.

Anonymous said...

The movie is all right with what’s her name. Jodie Foster little man rate is very well acted by this great kid actor. It’s worth watching.
Boy genius little man Tate