Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pommelo Pete

Pommelo Pete's origins are simple enough and can be found here...

Pommelo Pete's Back Story

Alas, the end of Pete was not to be as picturesque as one might have hoped. I mean, I think we all had visions of a tough looking bald guy checking the back of his pickup with a confused look on his face. I mean, I know I did!
"This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful pommelo! How did it get here?"

The story picks up over a Swedish chicken dinner at Ikea. I have just been regaling my parents with the Pommelo story as we leave with their (not my) purchases. I know, I made it out to Ikea and back without buying anything, it's called purchasing power. Something I haven't had since 2005.

Upon arrival back at the parent's house and exiting our respective vehicles, my Dad quickly says to me, "I saw your pommelo on the bypass"
Um... What? "Yeah, it was on the side of the road..." and goes on to describe the exact bend in the road where the pommelo was launched. Apparently, and pardon me while I hypothesize here, the pommelo did not, in fact, make it to into the back of the pickup truck. This can only be because of two possibilities.
1- Lindsey's throwing arm is more powerful than she gives it credit for and overshot the pickup only to land ungracefully on the side of the road.
2- The pommelo did in fact land squarely in the back of the pickup truck and due to the freakish nature of it's seemingly bouncy outer shell, it bounced out the other side of the truck and landed on the side of the road.

I'd like to believe it was hypothesis number 2, because I'm a dreamer like that.

PS - My Dad doesn't joke about things like this. He really saw the pommelo on the side of the road along the bypass.


heather said...

WOW. I don't get it. We SAW it land in the truck! I just don't know what to say. At least who reads our blogs can drive by and see the pommelo for themselves.

Lindsey and Mike said...

Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt. Heather is still overcoming dyslexia, as demonstrated above. I'm still overcoming my sadness that Pete met his end on the Mary Hill Bypass. We'll always remember the good times, Pete. The antenna times, and the throwing times, and especially, the landing times.

Anonymous said...

See you in the morning, and you will need to tell me the whole story about this "pommelo and Pete"

Phats said...

what I am lost.


that girl possessed said...

i am lost aswell, phats and i should start a club.

Carly said...

Did you try a bite of the Pomelo? I've seen them at my local grocery store but wasn't too sure of them.