Thursday, December 14, 2006

In Mike's Backyard it's raining really hard

Cool. It's raining outside and I've got to go pick up the daycare kids from school in an hour. Now, I like the rain. In fact I think I've grown so accustomed to it raining here on the Wet Coast that most of the time I'm not even aware that it's raining.
That is... until I have to walk around in it. Lucky for me I have a sweet Nissan Canada golf umbrella. I borrowed it from my Mom last Spring so I could walk the daycare kids to school, and she hasn't asked for it back yet. This thing is huge. One could fit 2 adults and 3 kids under it if one were so inclined to walk close together.

This week will pick up, for those who check in for interesting things to read about. I've got some cool things going on this weekend that I am really looking forward to doing. And one of them is hockey related.

Here's the Pic of the Day. It was taken right before I started writing this post. You can't tell, but it's raining pretty hard right now. Hopefully it lets up soon and we have a bit of a break so we can walk the kids back to the church. So many of them come unprepared for rain, and wet kids are usually grumpy kids.


Amanda said...

Well I best be getting myself an umbrella too, because I'll be walking those kids too come January! :)

Lindsey and Mike said...

I'm so excited about the hockey related event!!! And all the other stuff too:)

Anonymous said...

I don't enjoy the rain, mostly because it cancels or PPD most things I enjoy. Although when I cheered at Purdue we used to love to cheer in the rain.