Tuesday, November 22, 2005

One Million!

One Million Dollars!

I wish for A Million Dollars!

(see comment section in previous post for full explanation)


Mike H said...

There Phats. We'll see what happens. But don't hold your breath.

Phats said...

If you get it, I get at least some of it right?

Unknown said...

Dude you should have wished for £1,000,000. It's worth alot more! But I guess you didn't want to be too greedy. Think small and see what happens after that, right?

cher said...

ok mike, for your own mental health....do not respond to that email!! i beg you!! don't go there. what on earth is a quick hi anyway? i say ignore it ignore it ignore it!! too many friendly ex's get in the way of your "now's". seriously. women suck.

SuperSpyGal said...

I want $500,000 in small unmarked bills, put it in a suitcase and wait for further instruc.....oh wait, wrong blog...sorry !!

*yelling to Shannon* - drag Phats back to his own blog, this is Mike H's blog !!"

Carry on !!

BTW Mike - If your wish comes true then maybe you can charge a small fee and make third party wishes..I have a few I'd like to make !! :-)

Word Ver : nXXXrt....oh my !!

that girl possessed said...

i heart cher.

listen to cher mike.

Mike H said...

Phats - Yes, I'll share it with you, although it looks like I'll have to use it for your ransom.

Stephanie - Don't YOU forget about me! I won't forget anyone. I never have.

Gareth - Curses! You're right! Stupid currency exchange. I should have factored that into my wish.

Cher - My reply was, "This was very random. Hi back." Don't worry about anything happening there. That chapter of my life is over for good. I'll stay frosty to her as I've done for the past 3 years.

Superspygal (w/Phats in a duffel bag) - Third party wishes? Not if I have to pay you a ransom for Phats first! For shame! Kidnapping Phats to ensure your inclusion in the next round...
I wish I thought of it first. :)

TGP - You should see the letter she sent me. Then you'll really heart Cher.

Carly said...

if you win can i have $10?
or a letter.