I just got back from Disneyland.
It was SOOOO much fun.
I probably don't need to explain much about the place. It's seriously awesome. The last time I went was in '94, so there were a million and one new things to do when we were there this time. Including California Adventure Park. I can't believe Disney put a whole new theme park right over top of their own parking lot! And where do all the thousands of visitors park now you might ask? Why, in the 10,000 car parking garage built on an old strawberry field of course. A 10,000 car parking garage. And it was full on Saturday.
But, instead of boring everybody with all the details of my trip, I'll just post the pictures that I took with my NEW digital camera. The reason I didn't have time to post a "see you in a few days" message was because I was out buying it.
Here we go...
I was just trying to eat my lunch, and western style Goofy came up and grabbed me.
My parents and Sully. So cute.
OK, Pluto was freaking everywhere. In the days after this picture was taken we saw him around Disneyland 5 times. I'm totally sick of seeing him now.
I went on Star Tours twice. We tried to go on Space Mountain more than twice, but with an entourage of 7 people it was hard to do everything that everyone wanted to do. Oh yeah, and Yoda is awesome. Anyone who really knows me knows that I love Star Wars. I bought the Episode III DVD the night before, and then went on vacation. I still haven't had time to watch it yet.
And Mickey of course. We lined up and met him at his house in Toon Town too, but it's not a great picture.
So there's a brief, quick description of what we did in Disneyland. I don't want to rub in peoples faces, but it was awesome. A much needed vacation.
And I sat at the bus stop. You said you were going to collect me, but you didn't show up. I waited 6 hours and you never turned up. What is with that!!! You owe me a return plane ticket, 2 cabs rides, lost salary money, 4 days work holiday leave, 2 ice-creams, no make that 3, 1 of them hit the ground when the car drove over my toe. You also owe me 4 pitchers, 2 vodka and cokes, 3 bacardi breezers and a bowl of peanuts (they were free but I'm charging you anyway) ... well I had to drown my sorrows some where. I'm very disappointed in you. You let me down big style. Don't let it happen again. And I am giving you 2 weeks to come up with the check or you will be hearing from my lawyer! He's not a nice man and he also recently lost his dog so don't make him even more angry! You have been warned.
Gareth, you weren't invited man.
It was family only, and last time I checked my family didn't include a bitter Irish guy.
So buck up chuckles.
I will buy you 3 ice creams though.
welcome back mike!! looks like you made some new friends while you were there. i totally think you could have made something happen with cinderella. i am waiting for my souvenier churro oh i mean i am glad you had a good time. i heart space mountain.
Hey Mike
Welcome back! looks like you and your family had a great time, and cinderella you lucky dog you! I have never been to the Land, but I have been to Disney world probably like 30 times. Love disney, such a happy place.
Don't mind Gareth I think someone stole his lucky charms, and his underroos are in a bunch.
GO CANUCKS! Next game I will be cheering my heart out for them.
Hmm too bad you didn't get your picture taken with Mike from Monsters Inc then you could have been Mike n Mike oh wait that's a radio show :)
OMG!!! you are home!!!! mike we need to hang out and go for lunch (this time my treat). love the pics and your parents are adorable as always.
oh yah, and like phats said, ignore gareth he weres panties. wait... phats did not say that... hmmm but i think gareths panties are in a bunch.
weres = wears
the excitement of your return conflicted with my ability to spell. curses to spelling.
welcome back!!!!!
will write/comment more when i get the internet up at my new place.
Shippy - I had a churro, they're yummy. Did you know that you can get them at GM Place too? They're not just at Disneyland.
Cheesy Joe - I also missed the Canucks winning 2 games. Stupid SoCal and their lack of Hockey highlights. I had to go to the 7-11 and read the score in the newspaper. I didn't buy the paper though.
Phats - Happy Place is right. I think you're right about Gareth. He's cranky about this one.
Ms. Nutty - Thanks! We most definitely did! and You're welcome!
Pockey - Sadly I did not see Pooh Bear. But I did go on the Winnie the Pooh ride and took some pictures on it with you in mind. You're probably right about Cinderella. But seriously, Belle = One hot mama. I love her.
TGP - I'd love to do lunch. Have your people call my people.
Cranberry - Thanks, I'll catch up with youllater!
HAHAHA you changed your profile pic. We shall call you Yoda H from now on.
I'm jealous...glad you had a nice time though, looks like you had great weather.....the least you could have done was buy Gareth a pair of those Mickey Mouse ears with his name stitched on the front.....I would have paid to see pics of THAT !! hehehe
Those mouse ears are sooo 1970's. As well as those old black ears they also have these gold ones to celebrate the 50th Anniversary.
But the gold ones look really bad. They're more of a mustard yellow colour. Yuck.
so i guess welcome back is in order. i just saw you on batgirls blog and noticed we are both from BC! Sweet! We Canadians need to stick together!
The thing about Cinderella is that it would be really crappy to have to deal with the step-in-laws. So don't feel so bad.
Last time I went to Disneyland everywhere we went the character we would always run into was Smee (from Peter Pan). Kind of disappointing.
Did you see The Walt Disney Story, featuring Scenes from the Life of President Abraham Lincoln, featuring an anamatronic Abraham Lincoln? It was closed for maintenance when I was there last time. How do these two unrelated men go together, you ask? If memory serves me, it is because Abraham Lincoln was Walt Disney's hero and inspired him to create his grand enterprise.
I still don't know if I can ever forgive Disneyland since they got rid of the Country Bear Jamboree anamatronic performance. The did bring back the Main Street Electrical Light Parade, though. So that's something.
Sorry, I just love talking about ridiculous anamatronic things. It makes it me happy.
thank you for coming to lunch mike, sorry i wasnt more entertaining or awake.
Hey Josue
Disney World, the one in florida, still has the country bear jamboree, my 2 yr old nephews LOVE IT, okeh and so do I :) haha
GO CANUCKS! Just checked on ESPN.com and they are tied, COME ON CANUCKS!!
Cher - Canada Represent! I'll be checking out your blog now. Thanks for stopping by.
Stephanie - I should probably mention that as well as my parents, my 2 sisters, my brother, and my younger sister's bf came too. And yeah, vacationing with parents is really fun, especially when you don't live with them. I like hanging out with my parents.
Josué - I spent most of my time either in Tomorrowland or the new Adventure Park. I was there for the rides man. But if my entire family wanted to go, I would have done it. As it happened, just my parents went to go check that out. They couldn't take as many times on the coasters as we could.
TGP - If memory serves me correctly I believe you were awake. And we both laughed over nothing for a good minute. I think that qualifies as entertainment. I appreciated the lunch. Really. I wish we could hang out more. In fact, anticipate it. Movie night is nigh.
Phats - After 2 periods the Canucks are now in the lead. They better win, Phats. They better win.
Oh CRAPIT! i just saw the score, now I am worried, don't go on strike man some dork already did that, wait that was me!
Phats, I will not hold you accountable for this one, nor will I go on blog strike.
The Canucks had a 3rd period breakdown, and the better team won. The Flames DID make it to the Stanley Cup Final after all. They didn't just do that by accident.
Everyone will still see more posts from yours truly as one sports team doesn't dictate the way I live. I just LOVE watching Hockey.
Hmm well that's good! I will still cheer for them unless they go on some strange losing streak then I promise to stop! one sports team DOES dictate my life sad as it might be haha I plan my social calendar around games.
will you buy me ice cream as well?
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