Tuesday, November 08, 2005

What to do, what to do.

I wish I had something different to do than watch boring television and movies. Wait, scratch that. I wish I had someone to do these things with.

I miss having a girlfriend. I just want someone to do nothing with, because I know that doing nothing is still like doing something when you're doing nothing with someone. You follow?

I was picking up some of my stuff from my parents house yesterday (They have a lot of it stored for me because of my 3 moves last year) and I came across the shoebox of stuff I had from the #1 Most Heartbreaking Breakup, Sara O. In it was every note she had ever written me, a few framed pictures of the happier times, and the ring I bought for her that she returned when she dumped me.
It's still as small as I remember it. I seriously can't blame her for giving it back. Even though I spent what I still feel is a lot of money.

I don't know what to do with it now. I mean, it's a diamond ring, for a girl. It meant a lot for me to give it to her at the time, but now I don't know what I should do with it.
Sell it?
Keep it?
Give it to the next girlfriend I fall in love with?
I feel like such a fool for buying it now. How did I ever fall so hard?

Le sigh....

Anyways, my point.

I'm bored and I need something to do.

I used to write letters to people. I love writing letters. Not some typed up letter that you can go back and edit, or some e-mail that gets there instantaneously. I mean, true blue snail mail letters. TGP can back me up on this, because we used to send letters to each other all the time. I kept all of hers, I wonder if she has all of mine?
It's a great way to kill time. But most of the people I sent letters to are all gone from my life, with the exception of TGP of course. I think I'm gonna start this up again. It might keep my mind off of all the stupid lonely things I always seem to dwell on.

So I guess this is like, an official declaration of my intention to restart writing letters to old friends.

Watch out mailbox, here I come.


shipkicker said...

mike h, any girl would be lucky to receive a ring from you.

to totally switch gears here as for the shallaunge, as i like to call it, i dont think you know what you are up against. i can only make 2 meals, both of which i have spent the past 10 or so years fine tuning. of these 2 meals is kd. the other is mr. noodles. take your pick. i'll take you down to china town.

Mike H said...

No... wait, I meant that you and Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo should settle the shallaunge, as you say, of who is the real KD Master. I was just calling the both of you out.

There's no way I'd wanna take the both of you on in a KD Master Championship. I'm pretty rusty from the old high school days. I'd need at least 3 weeks to practice, and even then I wouldn't be back to form.

As for taking me down to china town? Did you know I'm of Chinese descent? Those are my people. And I love Chinese food.

Carly said...

write to me. i would love to have my first piece of mail NOT be a bill.

sell the ring. move on to bigger and better things.

Phats said...

Hock it! best way to go, shouldn't give it to another girl.

ya write nutty!

that girl possessed said...

i'm gonna concur that you should sell it. giving old memories like that to a new girlfriend is not a good thing.

oh, and of course i have your old letters. silly.

Carly said...

in additin to my prevoius comment....most people would not like to receive a ring or something their partner's former partner had.

word verification: nazda (almost a real word!)

Anonymous said...

Dude sell it. It's not doing anything for you whilst it is sitting on your table or wherever you keep it. And the money could always come in handy, right?

Mike H said...

Ok let's see here,

Stephanie - KD is Kraft Dinner. AKA Macaroni and Cheese. A staple of children and young adults everywhere. Except where you are I guess?

Ms. Nutty - I guess I better get down to business and start making that CD then.

Cranberry - What is your address. You KNOW I'd send you a letter that isn't a bill.

TGP - I knew you still had 'em. I was just being silly. Oh so silly.

Cranberry (again) - Haha! Something their partner's former partner had. I totally thought of that STD commercial.

Notjoecheese - He's way ahead of the fans on that one. Didn't you hear? George Lucas already has 2 Star Wars TV shows in the works. One animated, the other live action.

Pockey - Just send me your address and I'll write you a letter.

Phats and Gareth - I'll sell it. Sheesh. 7 people all telling me to sell. I feel like I'm playing the stock market or something. Sell Sell Sell!

Thanks for the advice guys. You're all very right. I was just making sure everyone else thought it was the right thing to do. A little validation makes any guy feel better.

cher said...

ok, email me (chersrobs@hotmail.com) your email address and i will not only give you my address to write to me, I will write you back i promise. i used to write letters allll the time. I loved it.

and, I have to agree with everyone, you truely must sell it. You've got a picture now, so let it go. It's hard letting go of some things. Trust me, I kept a scrunched up ball of saran wrap (from this guy who i had a crush on in highschool because he threw it at me across the table at lunch hour because i said something that made him laugh) for waaaay too long.

Carly said...

mike, yes, always use protection - ALWAYS!!!!

that girl possessed said...

mike h, smokey the bear is an asshole.

koala bears are way better than cockroaches.

Phats said...

Have you ever heard of people licking batteries to tell if they are good anymore or not?