Monday, November 28, 2005

By Request

Here's just a little taste of how big a nerd I am. I have another 2 bins like this. I'll work on a list, this is just to whet appetites.
* * * Bigger nerdiness to follow. * * *


Carly said...

omg!! so jealous.
though i must admit i love the candy as well.

you rock mike h!

Phats said...

You are so not a nerd for this, you are now my hero! I love pez, pez candy rocks, and the dispensers are cool. You rock man! I have the whole simpson family but that is it :(

Carly said...

snow is the devil.

cher said...

at least you don't have them all lined up on shelves. that would be creepy. although it might get you a spot on lifes weird homes!

2 more bins? wow. i'm in awe.

that girl possessed said...

mike h, i'd like to talk to you about a little something i call amelie. i lent her out. i miss her. she would have made me feel superb. superb.

cher - i'm always in awe of mike h even when he doesn't send me pics from the xmas party. what what? yah thats right.

SuperSpyGal said...

This is sooooo cool and NOT nerdy??....nerdish??...nerdlike??...whatever...but it's NOT....can't wait to see the rest....I love the candy !!

Mike H said...

Cranberry - Really? Jealous of my collection? Thanks, I think.

Phats - Your hero? I don't know if I'm worthy of such a title. I gots the Simpsons. They're in the pic, if you look closely you'll see them.

Cher - They used to be lined up on a shelf when I was in high school. But that was only like, 50 of them at the time. When I kept getting more I had to bin them.

TGP - You wanna watch Amelie? I can arrange that. No problem.

Superspygal - You think it's cool too? What's the deal here? I always thought this made me into some kind of nerdy kid. Now I might have to rethink that. Must be the association with candy. Most people love candy.

cher said...

you had to bin it sounds like a form of punishment! lol

if you are bored tomorrow or have time, do this. the links won't work, so if you want to play, go to my comment section for today's post (the one about oreo cookies) and scroll down to jamwall's comment about this. the links work in his comments. it should be fun!

jamwall said...

okay, here's another spammy looking comment, sorry about that cher. i feel so dirty. but its for a good useless cause...

myself and some other bloggers will post a shitload of bizarre confusing (not insulting) comments on THIS BLOG.

basically, this person will get about 30+ really bizarre comments at the same time. So for you folks in the west coast, you'll wanna come up with something strange to say and post it on that blog at precisely 11:30am Pacific time. (12:30pm MST, 1:30pm CST, and 2:30pm EST).

Go here & here to find out what this is about.

Phats said...

So, may I call you Pez Head?

Mike H said...

Pockey - Did you see the Winnie the Pooh dispenser in there? It was the most satisfying Pez purchase I had ever made.

Phats - No. That chapter of life has been closed for several years now. Mike H will do just fine thanks.

cher said...

it's ok mike, i will give you the heads up the next time we do it for sure.

so are you working on a list of all the pez despensers you have? that way if i ever come across one you don't have i'll get it for you.

Mike H said...

Cher - I'm working on the list. The problem is, I've never made a list of them before, so it's taking a long time. I'll try and get it finished tonight, but there's a hockey game on, and LOST is on. Too many things to take my attention away from it.
I haven't bought Pez for a few years now, so there are quite a lot of the newer ones that I don't have.

Bat said...

Thats pretty cool actually.

I have three bins of beanie babies ---- that I stood hours in line for back during the craze now I can only hope to sell them for a dollar on ebay. argh

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike do you want my Pez Truck??? I will mail it to Rhianne and she can pass it onto you!

shipkicker said...

ok at first i thought that it was those little bag sealer things from ikea. at second glance i now realize it is all pez dispensers which leads me to the next question - is there any candy left in them and if so can i have it.

cher said...

hey! you made it! your comments were great! you should go back and read some of them when you have time. there was over 100 random comments left on that poor girls blog. i was laughing my ass off reading some peoples comments.